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Bald Eagle

(c) Bryan Pfeiffer, all rights reserved

Latin Name

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

U.S. National Parks

Bald Eagle can be found in 53 National Parks:

Announcing our new project: ⚔️ Trivia Duel, a free online trivia game. You might enjoy Animals Trivia!


Earthdeck displays maps of observations to help you find the best places to discover wildlife. The majority of sighting data comes from gbif.org’s open datasets.

While you can find more detailed information on gbif.org and services like iNaturalist, Earthdeck is built to be fast, simple, and easy to use on any device.


Our Parkwolf app helps you make the most of your National Park visits. The AI Tour Guide gives you the personal tour guide experience - just drive around any National Park, and hear insights, facts, and stories about the things you see. Get it on the App Store.




Make the most of National Parks with an AI Tour Guide in the Parkwolf app